Current Impact

Building a Bigger and Better Tomorrow with the Lovelock Foundation and Go Build Love

Water…….it covers 70% of the planet earth through oceans, seas, rivers, and streams. It is also a a life line for animals, plants and even the tiniest organism, that we can not see with an naked eye. Water is also one of most important resource to humans beings. The human body is 70% water, it is essential to a healthy and balanced diet, the human body can only last three days without water. With water, we bathe with it, cook and clean our cars. We go the break room to fill our water bottle, while we exchange stories with co-workers about our weekend. Water is such a natural part of our everyday lives, we sometime don’t even notice its there. Just imagine a day with out water…….its hard to imagine but is the reality that Haitians are facing from the direct impact of the earthquake.

That is why we are proud to announce, that we have partnered with to bring direct filtration systems to help with the shortage of water supplies to families who are in dire need. With this partnership, we are able to provide clean water from any source that can be contaminated with bacteria. The filter that is provided, helps turn the tainted water into clean drinkable water for up to 20 years. Imagine that. With this partnership and YOU, we can build a bridge for a bigger and better tomorrow for Haiti and other global communities.

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” — W. H. Auden